Monday, October 27, 2014

Day 61...Surgery in the morning!

Well, tomorrow morning is the surgery to remove about 1/3 of my colon with the cancer. They are also going to do a biopsy on my liver while they have the hood open.
My whole walk and journey so far has been such a great blessing to me and I would not trade one minute of it.
I believe God started this journey to get me to where I am today. I pray that I may continue to glorify God and continue my walk when I recover from this surgery and the chemo that will follow for my liver.
I am not in the least worried or nervous about the surgery whatsoever.  I know I was lead here and that God is in control of no need to fret!
I hope you all will continue to check my blog as I will post again when I am able. God bless you thoughts and prayers go out to all of you...may God comfort and bring peace to your soul. I am passing off a smile to you all and ask that you share it with someone else! :-)


  1. Praying for you Mike...... Richard.Lear

  2. Hello it's me again Margaret! So thankful Val, Gina and Michelle made it there safe and that they are able to be there for and with you! Did I ever tell you how much I love flowers? (Sorry couldn't resist). God loves you and so do I! I have no fear or worry about your surgery either, as we both know God put you there to put you on this path of healing! God is so good! More blessings are coming your way. Just to be where you are in that town of Ruston with so many people praying and blessing has been a miracle, I can't wait to see what God has in store for you next! Blessings to you, and Val and the Girls! Also to all the great Ruston people who have been supporting you!

  3. Mike, I hope they are taking good care of you my friend. How long have I known you? 41 years or more, Wow! YOUR OLD. hehe. Been thinking of you all day and hoping you are doing ok, know the pain of surgery is no picnic for sure, so hope they are doping you up but good lol. Can't wait till you feel good enough to post again, perhaps will call you this weekend, don't want to be a bother while you are trying to rest and heal for a few days. Val, thinking of you too and how this must be very hard for you and the girls. Hugs and much love to you all. Deb
