Sunday, October 19, 2014

Challenge number four. Four states down, almost forgot!

Challenge number four is to say this prayer I wrote. Now how easy is that? And feel free to repeat any of the other three challanges also! God bless! Mike

Heavenly Father Lord and creator.  I humbly come before you to ask for the healing power that only you can provide for all those suffering from a mental health illness or thoughts of suicide or any illness for that matter. I ask that you open our hearts to recieve your healing powers so that we may serve you better Lord. Whatever you choose lord well be what we need for only you know what is best for us. Jesus died for our sins to make us whole, so Lord in Jesus's name I humbly ask for your loving grace to flow through each and every cell and make us whole again. I beleive what we ask in Jesus' s name will be done so Lord on high I thank you in Jesus's name, Amen

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