Tuesday, March 17, 2015

St. Patrick's Day dinner!

Drove to Nashville to visit friends Monday with my one Grandson. We had lunch with them and went to a movie, then we drove back home and got in around 12:05 am.

On Tuesday I went to my oldest daughters and had St. Patrick's Day dinner with her, her husband, and my two other grandchildren. We had a great meal followed by some conversation and a nice hot cup of herbal tea for me! Wow, that sounds like I am getting old....lol!

Today I have my appointment with the ENT (ear, nose, throat Dr.) to find out why I am so hoarse and having difficulty breathing. I think it is from the chemo...but we shall see!

Posted some pictures of our Dinner for those who are interested. And as always I would like to thank you for checking in, God bless you all, thoughts and prayers your way! Mike

Two Irish Soda Breads both gluten free!

Okay..I'll drink to that!

Some fresh fruits!

Corned Beef with Mustard and Cabbage!

Cabbage-Carrots-Onions-Sweet and Baked White Potatoes!

Gluten free Irish Soda Bread!

Black bean brownies with Avocado-Banana and Almond extract icing.

Black bean brownies with Avocado-Banana and Almond extract icing.

Can't have St. Patrick's Day Dinner without a Beer!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Hike on Lead Trail and Bote Mtn. Trail. Smoky Mountains!

Well, today and yesterday were the first feel good days I have had since Monday's Chemo. Yesterday my daughter Michelle and her family took me to the greenway in Maryville and we did a 4 mile walk. They brought me back home and I cooked soup..and we ate and ate till we were full.

Today they picked me up and we drove out to Lead Trail just before you get to Cade's Cove in The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. We hiked that trail up to Bote Mountain Trail and went about half way up that trail then turned around and headed back to the car. We did a total of about 5 1/2 miles. We wanted to go to Spence Field but the kids were to wore out today so we cut it short. We did have a great time though and a good workout...which I needed after being pretty sick and tired feeling most of the week. Now I am stiff and sore, but loved being out and walking.

I finished the day off by stopping by my other daughter's house and robbing her of an apple, then went to Michelle's where her Husband grilled Burgers-zucchini-organic hot dogs-and pineapple. Of course I left stuffed and probably ate more calories than I burned off..but hey..it was good!

Keep your eyes on God, forget about what is behind you, don't worry about the future and enjoy the moment and what God has given you! 

Thanks for reading and I hope you come back to the blog and visit again. Here are some pics below..............God Bless, Mike!

Is it safe...lol!

Such Balance! You go girl!

Ethan and Bella cheesing it up!

View on Bote Mountain Trail.

Michelle...smiling for the camera!

Me and the Grandkids coming off the Lead Trail onto Bote Mountain Trail!

Our Mule..Poor Chris!

Son-in-Law Blazing the trail!

X marks the spot!

Took a pic of a Buck in the woods!

Another Buck!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Chemo number 7 today!

Well here I am at the Tennessee Cancer Treatment Center having another round of chemo.

I just got plugged in...lol. I had a CT scan Wednesday last week. It showed the spots on the liver were stable so I need to bring the results from Louisiana to them on Wednesday so they can compare them to actually get a better comparison. Also I have a spot on the lung but it I is small and unchanged so they are thinking it is a small scar tissue.

I was wore out yesterday but so far today I feel good. My Daughter Michelle is going to make me and my wife lunch today after treatment. That's all I need...lol...I am gaining weight with the steriods. Went from 157 when I started chemo to 182 today....but we won't tell anyone..lol!

Well that's all for now. God bless you all for checking in...thoughts and prayers your way!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Drive through the Great Smoky Mountain National Park, March 2015

Hello again everyone! Eye Dr. appointment went great. Did not have conjunctivitis after all, just Blevitis (inflammation of the eyelid). Oil gland ducts were clogged causing the swelling which has since disappeared. The rest of the exam was good. A slight touch of cataracts, but normal for my age and no need to do anything about it. They also gave me a new prescription for glasses, but very close to what I have now. Said I was 20/20 with the glasses I have now, but they are two or three years old!

Today we took a quick drive through the Smoky's for something to do. It was a nice and relaxing drive, but wore me out by the time we got home! There are a few pics below. Sorry for the poor outcome but I just have my phone camera to work with. Wish I could afford a better one because I love to take photos, but you work with what you have and thank God for the blessing of even having it!

Bless you all for following my blog and I hope you will continue to check for updates. Going back for chemo on Monday. Thoughts and prayers your way! Mike