Monday, November 17, 2014

Doctor and Disability....

Well, I have a Doctor's appointment in the morning at 8:15 am for a consultation to discuss my treatment I suppose. I am glad because I have aches I didn't have before and my incision from the surgery three weeks ago has been oozing a little for a while now. Nothing serious, just want to have it looked at. Never had that kind of surgery so I don't know what is normal.

Also I got a letter from Social Security. I have been approved for the medical disability part, but now I have to wait to see if I made enough over the years to collect. They always seem to have a catch, and love playing the waiting game with other people's lives. As if my earnings and what I paid in, is not in their computer system. They can't hit a button to check after approving the medical part? It has to go to another person for determination and approval on the non-medical part? This is my understanding anyway!

Can't get medicaid or medicare until it is approved. Not easy getting treatment with no insurance. We will just have to enjoy the game and wait and see.

Other than that, I had lunch with my grandson at school today. I think he was surprised I showed up! It was a nice way to spend time with him.

Okay, that is all for now, I will let you know how I make out tomorrow at the Doctors. Thanks for reading my posts. God Bless you all, thoughts and prayers your way, Mike



  1. Hello it's me again Margaret! All will be fine. Patience and I know that is easy for me to say, cause I am not in your shoes...right now I am not in my shoes either! Blessings sent your way. God has worked miracles on your journey and you are not done. Miracles will keep coming to those who have faith! My friends favorite word is: believe! So I am believing that all will work out! Love and Blessings!

  2. Hang tuff Mike - you are in my prayers, Sue
