I have learned to trust God with my future and not to worry about it like I used too. After all, He is the one that is in control, and not me like I thought...silly me! If I have a problem that may arise, I just pray it up to God and then forget about it. The future hasn't come yet, so why worry about it...makes sense I think!
As far as the past goes....oh, wait, that it exactly what happens, it goes! It is gone, so why worry and stress about what could have been, or should have been...gone...over with...adios!
The only thing we can do is enjoy the moment. That is all we have that is a given! So hang on and enjoy the ride. God has His plan for you already worked out before it ever comes your way. It may be a blessing, or a trial or tribulation (which I consider blessings also!) It is all a matter of how you look at things. As an example: my shin splints or the pulled or torn muscle in my calf...you would think, poor me, why did this have to happen to me? What did I do that was so wrong to deserve this...etc..etc. Instead I found it to be a blessing. It slowed me down and I got to met some of the best people by those things occurring. Sometimes...even at three miles an hour we are moving to fast and overlook the blessings right in front of us!
As we close out the year 2014 and welcome in the New Year, I pray that God may touch you the way he had touched my life again! It is never to late, or if you feel you have sinned to much, that is not true, Jesus came and shed his blood on the cross to wash away those sins. Amen! I have come to realize my whole walk was a blessing in disguise! John 3:16 (ESV) says it all. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. Amen to that!