Sunday, August 31, 2014

First day!

Well today was the first day of the walk. I found out that I'm not capable of carry a 45 lb. Pack on my back. I might have to resort to a jogging stroller against my wishes. The backpack just isn't worth suffering over and maybe causing health issues

Anyway,  I got started a little after nine this morning standing in the Atlantic, gave the wife a kiss and hug, then off I went. I posted some pics.

I had one person notice my shirt and responded later with an e-mail, thank you Chris.  One other person On the bridge asked where I was coming from and where I was going, and we talked breifly about depression and anxiety.  Everyone else throughout the day. Seemed disinterested in talking. Hindered my spirit a little, but I'M BACK!  Thanks for reading today.  Check in tomorrow for day two.

Saturday, August 30, 2014


I posted about my other grandchildren,  then I got a new touch phone and had to learn the basics so I just wanted post some pics of my goodbye from him.

In Charleston for the night!

All checked in at the motel for the night!

Stopped and had dinner before checking in. Told the waitress about the walk, turned out she had to relatives that suffer from depression so I gave her one of my cards with some websites on it. Starting off on a good note.

Also had some supporters whom donated to the walk. Thank you to an anonymous donor for a gift card. My brother in law, Javier, and another thanks to Selina for all her efforts with the tent she supplied and for putting us up for a night. Also thank you Patty for your support,  and a thanks to Karen and Fred for the use of their house for the night.

Man, a lot to be thankful for today!

Friday, August 29, 2014

The tent!

First tent sent from Dicks was ordered right, but shipped the wrong one. Second tent sent with no time left to order was damaged from the warehouse. So I had to drive to Charlotte to R E I and get a tent 4 hours round trip out of the way. Thank you Kyle for your help and expertise North Charlotte REI camping section.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Thank You Yes Communities, Little River MHP for the Party!

I would like to thank Little River and Yes Communities for hosting a going away party for me. And a special thanks to Ken and Lori from the office, and Martha Long a fellow resident for putting it all together and making it happen.  I really appreciated it. And thank you to all who came out to show your support!

As you all know my walk is to raise awareness for Mental Health, Suicide and the stigma that surrounds them! It is a great cause and effects almost everyone, either personally or by someone they know!

On my walk across the United States from coast to coast I hope to share my story and struggle with mental health issues with others, and listening to their stories if they choose to share them with me. Those of us who suffer from depression, anxiety, thoughts of suicide, bipolar disorders or any other mental health illnesses must learn that it is okay to talk about it and share with other people whether a friend, a loved on, or a professional. We must reach out to those who care and want to help us on our way to healing, and realize that we are by know means alone, and that there are people out there who truly want to help.  

And again, Thank you Little River and Yes Communities for your support!

I just feel the urge to walk!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Not easy saying goodbye to family!

Had dinner at my other daughters tonight. It is kind of weird to leave knowing you don't know how long it will be till I see any of them again! All I could do was tell each one goodbye and give them a hug and kiss! I know when I start my walk I will have to hold back the tears....I can feel them already! I love all my family, including my extended family of friends! May God watch over and bless you all while I am here and while I am away!

I just feel the urge to walk!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Old but not forgotten Friends!

I was blessed with several donations from some more dear friends. Thank you very much Tony, Mary, Tim and Rose. Because of your generosity, and the generosity of others, my walk has become a reality for me. 

My journey will begin on the 31st of this month running (walking really) from Sullivan's Island, S.C. to Shell Beach, California. Lets get walking and bring some awareness to the issues of Mental Health and suicide, and the stigma that surrounds them!

I just feel the urge to walk!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Grandkids in on the action...gotta love them!

My homemade card: Poppop here are some apples for your trip love ***** and the bag of apples!
My oldest daughter invited us for dinner again tonight! I was greeted by my Grandson who handed me a bag of natural dehydrated pineapple and $31.00 of his allowance and babysitting money to go toward my walk. Then my granddaughter ran up and handed me a homemade card made with glitter glue pens and a bag of dehydrated Gala apples for my walk, how cool is that, makes me happy to see how giving our young can you guys, thank you both so much!

A twenty , a handful of ones and a bag of dehydrated pineapple for my walk!

I just feel the urge to walk!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

What it's all about!

Can't wait to start the walk! I'm already missing the family though and I didn't leave yet.  I was talking about my walk with someone I just met and we both shared stories on our depression and anxiety. Nice to be open about it and to share, knowing you are not alone and others understand the way you feel.

I will be trying to get the rest of my gear in the next few days. Then I have to figure out the best way to pack it all in my backpack, make adjustments to the way it fits, and get the new phone activated and try to learn how to work it, yeah right, that will take some time, lol! 

Time is running out!

I just feel the urge to walk!

Friday, August 22, 2014


I would like to extend a big thanks to my daughters for making another contribution to the walk this week, and a big thanks to a good friend whom we consider a part of our family for a very nice sized donation, thank you Bronze! And thank you Cuz for your support and generosity, Love you all, thank you to everyone who has contributed for helping make this possible for me! 

And a Big thanks to my little brother who bought me a new phone and 1 month of service from straight talk. And a solar charger that I have to find and purchase. Thank you little brother for taking care of your big brother, lol! He likes the cause it is going to!

Thank You all so much! 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Uncle Lem's Mountain Outfitters.

First time going to Uncle Lem's Mountain Outfitters at 9715Kingston Pike, Knoxville, Tn. I think I'll have to make them my first go to for my hiking gear and supplies. They have a great and knowledgeable staff, being hikers themselves. They sell Kayak's, shoes, hiking gear and equipment, including Osprey backpacks, clothing, and much more. Right now they are running a sale. I say, check them out online at uncle Lem's Mountain Outfitters. Or like them on facebook!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

More stuff...Getting ready!

Goodies for the road...yum! Thank  You G.S.!

Kelty Coyote 80 liter backpack, 30 degree sleeping bag, sleeping pad, New boots with new superfeet insoles-Thanks R. G.-new superfeet insoles for a pair of sneaks I have, 2 pair wicking pants, Thanks B.B.-Merrino wool socks-Thanks M.O.-2 liter hydration pack, camp towel and a clothes line! More to come!

Other view of backpack!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Family group pictures before my walk!

Trying to set the timer, I didn't make it back to the group for this one!
We had a little get together of the family Sunday, August 17th, 2014! It was the best time for everyone to get together before my walk begins on the 31st of this month. I will be starting from Sullivan's Island, S. C. and I wanted to get a picture of everyone before I leave since they have to work and the children have school, making it hard for them to be at my start!

Made it this time, lol!

The hardest part of the journey will not be the walk, the miles, or even the dangers out there, but the fact that I will be leaving my wife, daughters, their husbands, and my grandchildren, giving up valuable time with them and walking into the unknown for who knows how long!

I appreciate their support and understanding for my journey, even though they really do not want me to go. And I must thank my wife for allowing me to go and fulfill my need to do the walk with the understanding that it is something I feel compelled to do in my life's journey, Thank You Dear for your patients and understanding! I know it has been a hard road for you to travel on with me through the years coping and trying to comprehend my struggles! When possible, my wife and I will be meeting up at times as I make my way across the country!

I appreciate everyone who is and will be following my walk, and I hope they come to understand my need to do it, and understand the awareness I am trying to bring about!

Black and white copy.
To all those that suffer from a Mental Illness, remember, you are not alone nor are you that illness, but an individual with feelings and that you are unique in your own way! There should be no shame or guilt for having a Mental Illness, after all it effects almost everyone in some way, shape or form whether they will admit it or not, and it's time we talk about it! And to those who don't understand Mental Illness or Suicide, my wish is you will not form a stigma about it, but read up on it from some of the sites listed on the page "To Learn More" to try and grasp an understanding about those who suffer from it. "Just get over it" is not something we can do, it just happens and it is not something we control. You don't tell a person with heart Disease or Cancer to "just get over it", nor should you tell a person with a Mental Illness that! The best thing you can do is try to support or just listen and be there for that person. 

Thank you for reading my posts and allowing me to share my thoughts and feelings with you!

I just feel the urge to walk!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Monday, August 11, 2014

Another Great person gone!

Well, it appears we lost another great and talented person to Suicide. First and foremost, I would like to express my condolences to the family and friends of Robin Williams. You will be in my thoughts and prayers, and may Robin rest in Peace! He will be missed!

This is why I feel there needs to be more open discussions on the matter of Mental Health and Suicide prevention and awareness, both from those suffering and those that are close to the ones' suffering. We need to look at it and recognize it as the illness it is, and give it as much treatment and hope to those suffering from it as to those with a visible and more comprehend-able disease, such as cancer and heart disease. Mental Health illnesses and Suicide surely surpass any other disease, but is seldom discussed. It is nothing to be afraid of or ashamed of, it is an illness. I would also like to say it affects everyone different. Lets say we go to the gym, you can lift 200 lbs. but that does not mean that I will be able to lift 200 lbs. My body may not have the capacity to do it, to me the mind works the same way. What may seem trivial to you may be a burden beyond comprehension for someone else, so lets not judge! 

Suicide can come out of nowhere and when least expected from those close to the victim, never even knowing what was buried inside and for how long from the sufferer.
The pain and torment can become so intense that suicide seems to be the only way out. It does not matter who you love or even how much you love someone, you are not trying to hurt or cause a hardship on anyone, you just want the torment to end! When your brain is not functioning properly, be it a chemical imbalance, an injury, inherited or socially derived problem or even a combination of some or all of the mentioned, that can be the only foreseeable solution to the sufferer. Suicide is an emotionally derived illness and if given the time to process, and talking to someone who knows how to help, you may save your life from a permanent and non returnable end! There are people who care and are there to help, we just need to reach out!

If you ever feel you are in a crisis situation please go to the nearest emergency room or call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or go online 

The purpose of my walk is to bring awareness to Mental Health issues by telling my own story to those interested, and hearing their story if they want to share it. I feel being more open and getting involved with talking about the issues will give us a better understanding and maybe some healing along the way! If we are not open, no one will know we are suffering.

Rest In Peace Robin Williams,

I just feel the urge to walk!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Getting Ready slow but sure!

Well, I sold my little classic 1990 Ford Festiva to pay some bills...sold my tools and toolboxes also! Next will be the riding mower and hand power tools to pay down the credit card, then off on the road I will go, relying on humanities generousity to get me from one end of the country to the next! What an adventure it will be, (I!) Remember, I am starting my walk August 31st. from Sullivan's Island, S.C.!